Lighting towers

VT SolaR

The ultimate in ecology, with compact dimensions and easily transportable. The new VT-Solar Hydraulic mobile lighting tower is powered by three solar panels and guarantees great brightness performance and long battery life. An easy control panel and the possibility of connection to an external power source for recharging even in the absence of sunlight, make this lighting tower a product of simple use and great flexibility.

How it works:

The built-in AGM battery pack can be recharged either by the internal inverter powered by the standard 3x400Wp solar panels or by an inlet socket to be connected directly to the Mains or another external power source. The energy stored in the batteries ensures the full functionality of the LED floodlights. The average battery operating time with all LED floodlights switched on is estimated to be from 20 to 50 hoursdepending on the light output power, with 8h of recharging time (with generator, power grid, or during sun peak hours – best average).

VT-Solar Hydraulic can also be connected to Solar Kit PRO to reach a total recharging capacity of 2.2 kWp

Generac LED floodlights with adjustable light power

4×100 W high-efficiency New G4 LED floodlights designed by Generac Mobile®. Special version with adjustable light power output from 25% to 100%.

Control panel:

The control panel includes:

  • Battery monitoring device
  • Battery low voltage alarm
  • Fuse for DC protection
  • Inverter alarm
  • Hour-counter
  • RCD-MCB circuit breaker
  • Mains circuit breaker
  • Lamps circuit breaker
  • Main system On/Off switch
  • Solar panels circuit breaker
  • Up/Down button for hydraulic mast
  • Digital timer (option)
  • Darkness sensor (option)
  • Selector switch for manual mode / digital timer / darkness sensor (option)
  • Advanced digital controller (option)

Every circuit breaker is provided with differential protection.

PRoduct Image GalleRy

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